Finished reading the book, Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Posted by everrover on March 1, 2022



So yesterday I finished this book. Total read time for me was roughly 6-7 hours. The book was short i agree. Though there were a lot of unique words i had to look up consistently throughout the read. Along with the compulsory need to read between the lines.

The story's simple. Hari Seldon is a psycho-historian(predictor of future using mathematics and human psychology). Who predicts universe will go to pot in next 500 years. Sets up a organization, Foundation, at the periphery of galaxy on a resource deficient planet called Terminus. With the premise of building up a encyclopedia of all the knowledge in the galaxy. The Foundation works on it for next 50 years. Only to discover that the encyclopaedia was a hoax. Apparently the galaxy’s periphery has forgotten the science of Atomics and foundation was to be the rescue. They reintroduced the knowledge using a religious organization across 4 surrounding worlds which taught people science using Spirit of the Galaxy(term coined by our beloved Asimov). This Spirit is just to teach people how to use the scientific assets in intended ways.

The second crisis is resolved using trade. The Foundation turns planet of Korell into a hedonist populace who can't live without luxury goods. And when their Comodor intends to attack Foundation, flip the switch of Trade and Technology to OFF. People revolt I guess(it wasn't explicit but intended by the author’s summary at the end of book) and the crisis is averted.

I know i just over exaggerated it all in negative ways.... But I enjoyed the book. And i know you will tooo.

Made me remember this (from my favourite game’s, Far Cry 4, character Rabi Ray Rana) though,

Religion is just an opiate for the masses.

This book made me research a bit about this. To me this could be no further than the truth. Whatever people can't understand, leaders insert god in the picture and people blindly follow it. Many people still do and all people did it in earlier eras.

Also this,

One thing I didn't like in the book though. No mention of any girl or woman was made. Except for the wife of Comodor of Korell. And she was depicted as a spoilt brat, at that. I'm not a feminist but I kind of felt it.

Anyways I began working on a 32 question DSA streak. Website work is done. 🍾. Did 3 yesterday.

Cheers guys.🐒.

They avert the first crisis by duping the illiterate populace of Anacreon(the world which is essentially running on technological assets provided by Foundation... including their rigged military tools), and forcing them into a rebellion when their King intended to attack Foundation. The king kills himself in the end (when he sees he can't defeat the mayor of Terminus, Salvor Hardin) and Foundation installs a puppet ruler in his place.

Trade and plutocracy, a solution to all problems.

That's the point where we are in the world. Our world essentially is being run by traders and businesses. And so many countries are trying to prevent this current war in Ukraine by trade only. But I have been researching a bit about this crisis. This is essentially fuelled by NATO who has forced the Russian hand into fighting for their own long term survival.