Taking first flight

This is my first post

Posted by everrover on December 31, 2016

everrover.com - finally ready 😄

Well I have been putting it off since long time. But after hacking🧑‍💻 continuously for last 8 days, finally the site is ready and operational.

There's a CMS and an associated backend as well. But since the number of pages is very less at the moment I haven't yet deployed them on the server cloud. I'm using vercel for hosting my website. For small static sites, such as mine I feel it's awesome. For larger sites I m unsure since I haven't tried yet.

I used the most recent available tools and learnt a lot in the process. The following image describes most of the tools and languages, which have been used within the site(including backend portion)


I learnt a lot while building it. Not only did I go through documentation of associated technologies(I studied and went through some, way before), but I also learnt some concepts such as image and font optimisation, context API for state management and a lot more. I'll write on these topics in time.

I have used some google cloud features as well. Like cloud functions for triggers and some API calls.

The intention🙂 behind creation is to be able to showcase the endeavours I am pursuing(and recieving feedback), be more accountable and consistent and write not only about information technology but also on other topics such as gaming🎮🎲, books I have read📘, sustainability, technology and nature which I am a sucker for.

Literally I can sit in the lap of mother earth in her lush greenery🌴🌳🌲 for whole day long without any other form of stimulation. The birds🐦, animals🐘 and insects🐛... flowing wind🎐🍃 and flowing water🌊... I just love them all. I never tire of breathing in the fresh air alongside watching and hearing the beautiful sounds of all organisms in nature.

If you like the site you can reach out on Twitter and LinkedIn to discuss stuff about the code behind my small creation. Links are present below.

Well that's all for the first post. 👋.